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"Wording Around with Prose" - April 6 to May 21, on Facebook
"Flowers for Workers in Health Care..." Coming to a house near ... me
COVID 19 Cancellations
Kathy Mac's Bitty Literary Bio
"Wording Around with Prose" - April 6 to May 21, on Facebook
"Flowers for Workers in Health Care..." Coming to a house near ... me
COVID 19 Cancellations
Kathy Mac's Bitty Literary Bio
"WOrding around with Prose" -- a Free Course on Facebook
I started teaching the free online course on writing prose on Monday. To see vids of each 20 minute talk, go to Wording Around's Facebook page, and click on "Videos". The most recent video is the first one on the left.
In talk 1.1, I introduce the course a bit, then talk about what stops people from writing, and what gets us writing in the first point. Then some nitty-gritty on point of view. Give a good resource for people starting a big project (NaNoWriMo's "NaNo 101" guide -- it's free online), and a Freefall writing exercise. That's how they all go: Intro material, a bit of nattering about a couple of topics, a resource, and an exercise (on Mondays) or an assignment (on Thursdays). Join us any time. https://www.facebook.com/WordingAround/videos/
When and How and Where
Duration: 7 weeks, from Monday April 6 until Thursday May 21, 2020
Frequency: 2 twenty-minute talks every week
When: Live: Monday and Thursday evenings, 7:30pm Eastern Daylight Time
Canned: If you can’t make the live feed, video of the lectorials will be available any time on the Facebook page
Where: The Wording Around page on Facebook; these will be live videos. Look on the left margin for the word “Video”. A red “Live” box beside it means the lectorial is started. Click on the word, or the video feed in your Facebook page.
What to expect in each lectorial
In talk 1.1, I introduce the course a bit, then talk about what stops people from writing, and what gets us writing in the first point. Then some nitty-gritty on point of view. Give a good resource for people starting a big project (NaNoWriMo's "NaNo 101" guide -- it's free online), and a Freefall writing exercise. That's how they all go: Intro material, a bit of nattering about a couple of topics, a resource, and an exercise (on Mondays) or an assignment (on Thursdays). Join us any time. https://www.facebook.com/WordingAround/videos/
When and How and Where
Duration: 7 weeks, from Monday April 6 until Thursday May 21, 2020
Frequency: 2 twenty-minute talks every week
When: Live: Monday and Thursday evenings, 7:30pm Eastern Daylight Time
Canned: If you can’t make the live feed, video of the lectorials will be available any time on the Facebook page
Where: The Wording Around page on Facebook; these will be live videos. Look on the left margin for the word “Video”. A red “Live” box beside it means the lectorial is started. Click on the word, or the video feed in your Facebook page.
What to expect in each lectorial
- a topic
- a laying out of the basic concerns of that topic
- a resource (barely touching the surface of possibilities)
- X.1 classes (Mondays): an exercise to do after the lectorial*
- X.2 classes (Thursdays): an assignment to do before the next lectorial*
"Flowers for Workers in Health Care, Essential Services, Online arts & Teaching & Tech, and All of us in Isolation
I want people to smile as they pass my house. I don't have any sidewalk chalk. I did have another canvas in my basement. So I replaced "Hello Neighbours, Hello Neighbour Dogs" with this one. From a distance, you see the flowers mostly. The closer you get, the more the text comes to the fore.
Cancelled: Kathy Mac & Roland Daigle at the Yellow Box Gallery -- But wait for the virtual version!

For the month of May 2020, Kathy Mac and Roland Daigle were supposed to have a show of drawings at the Yellow Box Gallery on the St. Thomas University campus, Fredericton, NB, Canada. Kathy's works will be on the theme of Social Isolation. There won't be a launch. There won't even be an actual show. But we'll do something digital. Sometime.

Odd Sundays, Fredericton's "longest-running, multiply-hyphenated poetry-and-more Reading Series" usually happen on the odd numbered Sundays (1st, 3rd, and if there is one, 5th) of each month from mid-October to the end of April, at the Tipsy Muse café, 86 Regent St.
Alas, COVID 19. The Odd Sundays readings are cancelled until further notice.
Odd Sundays is run by the ruling triumvirate of Sherry Coffey, Kathy Mac, and David Watts, and supported by donations from our regulars. All the donated money goes to the readers.
Alas, COVID 19. The Odd Sundays readings are cancelled until further notice.
Odd Sundays is run by the ruling triumvirate of Sherry Coffey, Kathy Mac, and David Watts, and supported by donations from our regulars. All the donated money goes to the readers.
WFNB's WORDSPRING 2020 Festival Cancelled
In 2020, WordSpring was supposed to take place from May 22-24, on the St. Thomas University Campus in Fredericton. Alas, it too has been cancelled
Kathy Mac’s book of poems Human Misunderstanding (Roseway, 2017) was a shortlisted for the Fiddlehead Poetry Book prize of the New Brunswick Book Awards. Her previous poetry books are The Hundefräulein Papers (Roseway, 2009) about the years she spent as a live-in dog-sitter of numerous crazy English Setters owned by Elisabeth Mann Borgese, and Nail Builders Plan for Strength and Growth (Roseway, 2002) which won the Gerald Lampert Award for the best first book of poems in Canada and was a finalist for the Governor General’s Award. As Kathleen McConnell, she’s also published a book of essays about women in contemporary popular culture: Pain, Porn and Complicity: Women Heroes from Pygmalion to Twilight (Wolsak & Wynn, 2012).
Mac runs, and teaches in, the Creative Writing programs in the English Department at St. Thomas University, Fredericton, Canada. In the summers she sometimes travels on Experiential Learning courses as support faculty (England 2014, Ireland 2016, and England again, 2017). She is the faculty advisor for the Atlantic Canadian Poets Archive (acpa.ca) and Poetic Places Fredericton (poeticplacesfredericton.ca).
A strong believer in writing communities, Mac is one third of the ruling triumvirate of Fredericton NB’s Odd Sundays reading series. She also belongs to Fredericton's WolfTree Writers, the Writers Federation of New Brunswick, the League of Canadian Poets, and The Writers Union of Canada.
(Photos on this website are by Kathy Mac unless otherwise noted. The photo above is by Roland Daigle.
Permission has been received from everyone appearing all photos except the ones of audiences.)
Mac runs, and teaches in, the Creative Writing programs in the English Department at St. Thomas University, Fredericton, Canada. In the summers she sometimes travels on Experiential Learning courses as support faculty (England 2014, Ireland 2016, and England again, 2017). She is the faculty advisor for the Atlantic Canadian Poets Archive (acpa.ca) and Poetic Places Fredericton (poeticplacesfredericton.ca).
A strong believer in writing communities, Mac is one third of the ruling triumvirate of Fredericton NB’s Odd Sundays reading series. She also belongs to Fredericton's WolfTree Writers, the Writers Federation of New Brunswick, the League of Canadian Poets, and The Writers Union of Canada.
(Photos on this website are by Kathy Mac unless otherwise noted. The photo above is by Roland Daigle.
Permission has been received from everyone appearing all photos except the ones of audiences.)